Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Future Network News - February 2019

Welcome to FNN - Future Network News.
Bringing you the future....

This is our pilot webcast and has been produced using limited technology and resources, future episodes we hope will be of higher technical quality.
We would appreciate your feedback and input and hope to produce the second webcast of FNN soon.

If you would like to watch this episode in full screen you can access it via this youtube link


Cassie Wallender said...

Is there a way to subscribe via iTunes?

Pat Dyosi said...

At the moment I'm not producing it as a podcast, would love input if you think it would be a good idea to produce it as a pod cast

Alternative Fashion Blogger said...

Man its great, like science fiction, and futurism, but looking at possibly future developments, it makes us very much think of our present existence.

Can't wait for the next one.

...and things are warming up for Adelaide I see! :-)

Alternative Fashion Blogger said...

Good one!

Alternative Fashion Blogger said...

Its Great work! Near future stuff really makes you think of current issues that people would otherwise not worry about. Couple of dark humour moments in there, very Paul Verhoeven.

Unknown said...

Interesting events going on there, I'm looking forward to seeing our impending doom, or if we manage to escape any - and at what cost :D

Anonymous said...

just click the atom link at the end of the blog post and you can subscribe with RSS, I dont know if that helps

Anonymous said...

waow Yanni, cool webcast of yours!
The "Bringing you the future today" made me laugh, as it reminded me the Muppets Show's "Muppet Labs, bringing you the future today". :-)))
Let your legendary sarcasm flow in!!!
Fred (Tokyo)

Pat Dyosi said...

Hey fred, glad you like it, stay tuned future webisodes are on the way.

Anonymous said...

hey mate good work. looks good. dont see what you have been winging bout! lol. now that i have seen the first i guess i have to watch the rest now. lol. goos stuff yanni keep it up. cant wait for the next one. mark!!

Anonymous said...

hey mate good work. looks good. dont see what you have been winging bout! lol. now that i have seen the first i guess i have to watch the rest now. lol. goos stuff yanni keep it up. cant wait for the next one. mark!!

Generic Burnout #2525 said...

This is really good.

Global warming is moving alittle faster than expected eh?

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the news segments in Robocop.. awesome job, well done!

Anonymous said...

This was awesome!! I'd like to see more episodes! What about the US? A joint Canadian-Mexican takeover of the North American continent? I like your futuristic blue background as well. :D

Pat Dyosi said...

thanks, the US is a really hard one, I have decided to leave a story on the US out until the third episode. The script for episode two is practically finished now im just waiting to buy some equipment to improve quality and get rid of the blue hair problem. Thanks for the feedback.

Anonymous said...

Incredibly imaginative but scary real concept here Pat. Just a few things I'd love a news update on...What's happening with government control of MNCs? What's the global currency and has Britain adopted the Euro? Or in fact, is Britain still a member of the EU? Did Iran let off the bomb and is democracy flourishing in Iraq? Not to mention Tawaiin and China and whether Korea has merged. Newsflash, the Japanese SDF is a world military power. Has America had a black/female/gay/non-religious president yet? Well done Pat, I love your passion and look forward to episode 2.

Pat Dyosi said...

all of those are big issues that have serious repercussions. It's hard to strike a balance between giving a perspective on the future and making a believable news show. Much of the information in the news is implicit or assumed, thus it sometimes may seem like im leaving something out, instead Im assuming that those who watch it know it. It adds to the realism and more importantly the sense of dislocation that comes from an effective suspension of disbelief.